Vincent Louis “Vin” Blehl
Saddle River Mayoral Candidate
Community involvement and experience
22 year resident with wife Janice
Former Chairperson of the Saddle River Environmental Commission (EC) 2020 – 2022 (Appointed by Mayor Kurpis and unanimously elected Chairperson by the EC members) (Commision dissolved by Mayor Kurpis)
A regular attendee at mayor and council meetings since 2015
Frequent past attendee at Saddle River Ordinance Review Committee meetings (which are now closed to residents)
Over 40 years of experience appearing before numerous local planning and zoning boards
Member of the Saddle River Garden Club, the Allendale Garden Club, the Native Plant Society & NJ Botanical Gardens
Member of the Horticulture Curriculum Review Board at Bergen Community College
Past member of the Bishop House Committee
Past member of the Board of Directors of the Northern New Jersey chapters of the National Association of Homebuilders (NAHB) and the National Association of Remodelers Industry (NARI)
Career and other activities
An entrepreneur of four decades in the fields of sales force automation, electronic systems integration and contracting (Retired)
Currently manage an investment real estate portfolio
May 2023 – Earned a Certificate in Welding Technology from Bergen Community College
As a degreed Horticulture- Landscape Designer, I tend to our extensive garden (our garden is a microcosm of what is possible despite the pressure of sharing our garden with omnipresent deer)
Volunteer service
NOVA Hope for Haiti
Covenant House
Strengthen Our Sisters
My platform is simple: I care about our property values and restoring fiscal responsibility. I am an advocate for increased transparency and community engagement and for the safety and inclusivity of all residents.
(201) 472-0048